
Butterfly Wedding Invitations

When planning a wedding, you may decide to go with butterfly wedding invitations. You can find them in a few styles, colors, graphics, and kits. Here are a few butterfly wedding invitations to consider using.

When planning a wedding, one thing you will need to do is send out wedding invitations to all of the guests. You can look for invitations to fit any theme, or one that will specifically fit the theme of your wedding. If you are throwing a butterfly wedding, then you may want to use butterfly wedding invitations. The invitations come in a few different styles and designs, from plain white to colorful. Some invitations may only have butterflies on them while others may include other graphics as well. You can even find kits that allow you to add to the invitations!

Butterfly themed wedding invitations can be found in a few stores that sell supplies for parties and weddings. When shopping for your invitations, you can check out Amazon and Party City. You can also look for the invitations in craft stores, other party stores, Wal-Mart, Target, and more. Go to the store and browse for your invitations or check out shopping websites and have them delivered to your home. The invitations and prices may vary per store, but this will give you a nice selection to choose from. It is your special day, so of course you will want to find invitations that are just right for your wedding.

To help you with your wedding shopping, here are a few butterfly wedding invitations to consider using.

Die Cut Butterfly White Invitation 50 Pack (on Amazon).
The invitations in this set are white with a two diecut butterflies on the left side of the front cover. The entire set comes with fifty butterfly invitations, fifty metallic white envelopes, and fifty striped white vellum inserts. You can use an inkjet or laser printer printing out the names and information on the invitations and envelopes.

Blushing Bride Wedding Invitations 20ct (at Party City).
The invitations in this kit are decorated with a pink and white wedding cake. On the bottom of the cake is the phrase "You're Invited" in brown letters. The cake is surrounded three pink butterflies of different sizes. There are two blue wedding bells with a brown bow at the top of the invitation. It all sits on a blue striped background with a pink and brown border at the top and bottom. This set comes with twenty invitations and envelopes.

Lavender Die Cut Butterfly Invitation 50 Pack (on Amazon).
The invitations in this set are white with a two diecut butterflies on the left side of the front cover. The envelopes are metallic lavender. You can print out the names and information needed on this paper using a laser and inkjet paper. The metallic purple envelopes should be printed with a laser printer only. The Lavender Die Cut Butterfly Invitation set comes with fifty butterfly invitations, fifty metallic lavender envelopes, and fifty striped lavender vellum inserts.

You do not only have to use butterfly wedding invitations for a butterfly themed wedding. You may have another theme that the butterfly invitations will fit, such as a general springtime theme. If you do not have a specific wedding theme in mind, then you can still use the butterfly themed wedding invitations. Buy pre-made invitations to fill in or buy a kit and create your own invitations! With the few different styles, there is a good chance of finding something you will like. If you do not, you may be able to use the invitations found in stores to give you an idea of how to create your own homemade wedding invitations. Once you decide what invitations you want and purchase or create them, that will be one less thing you will need to do for the wedding. This will make your wedding planning a little easier!

Have fun picking out the butterfly wedding invitations you want to use! Congratulations on your wedding and marriage!