Getting married is a very exciting time but there are many details to be taken care of beforehand. One of these responsibilities is sending out Bridal Shower Invitations. These might not seem like a big task but it's important to keep the invitations fun while conveying the tone of the shower and including important information. Many people choose to use the theme and colors when doing anything that is wedding related.
There are many wording ideas. For a surprise, "Don't tell but we're having a surprise party for Mary Smith..." Another fun way might be for a recipe party. Here is where you would enclose two index cards and have the guest write a recipe on one and a recipe for love on the other. To add to the theme, you can request that gifts come in the form of kitchen items. For a lingerie shower, you may want to say something whimsical such as, "Robert and Lynne fell in love as we all saw, now let's throw her a party with gifts of bras!"